Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama!!!!

Birth Path:  1+1+7+1+9+6+4=29/11/2

Happy Birthday First Lady! Michelle Obama is a special lady, and today is her day. She has a birth path of a 29/2.  The "29" adds up to the 11, which is a master number. However, the final breakdown is the "2".  Those people with a "29/2" birth path work very hard on maintaining good partnerships and relationships. This is evident in her relationship with the President.  They are great humanitarians and find ways to balance what they do for the world with their own personal relationships.

Personal Year: 1+1+7+2+0+1+1=13/4 

Today Mrs. Obama has entered into a "13/4" personal year. This will be the year for her to practice tons of patience and utilize her creative abilities at the same time. She will probably spend some time analyzing a few situations this year before she co-signs. On a personal level, Mrs. Obama will go through a period where she identifies who is really in her "inner circle". It is great that her birthday falls within the first 17 days of the year because it gives her an opportunity to "clean house"   The "13/4" can force you to work very hard, and will ultimately teach you patience.   If patience doesn't already come easy, than this will be the year that it comes her way.  She will be working on several projects this year that will help to build her personal credibility. If you are an artist of any form, than maybe this is your year to reach out to Mrs. Obama to share your creative talents.  She will look for all sorts of creative inspiration this year.  Good Luck to Mrs. Obama on her building endeavors.

Abundant Light,

Life Giver Power Coach Adero-Zaire

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